Saturday, November 3, 2018

Pokemon Cloud White 3

The scenario starts after the last event of Pokémon Cloud White 2.
Be prepare to discover 3 new regions : South Sinnoh, Sinnoh and Hoenn.

3 Regions : Hoenn, Johto and Kaido Archipelago IN OPEN WORLD!
>50 h of Scenario
All the Pokémons (gen 1 to 7 + some fakes mega evolutions)
All the Primal reversion and Mega Evolutions
Day & Night system
BW Repel System
6th Gen exp.catch system
New trainer sprites
New Menu
New Battle Background
Dollsteak patch
Berry & Honey trees
Cuztomizable House
New Music
2 new regions (70% done)
Is it neccessary to play Pokémon Cloud White to understand Cloud White 2’s story?
NO! Besides, There is a Game Guide to understand better the CW universe.
Is it a complete game?
Yes it is. An extension is in dev’ and the author is fixing reported errors.

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