Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Pokemon Sky Twilight

pokemon sky twilight


The Crocus Region is one of the most popular regions in the Pokemon World, with a wide variety of Pokemon! There exists a very rare Pokemon called Noivern which has been kidnapped by some rough, unacceptable guys known as Team Voltage. They're kidnapped the rarest Pokemon and use them for their own use like criminal stuff. They also want to steal energy so they achieve of forcing a Pokemon to Mega Evolve.

Today, there is a person who's live in a local area called Begonia Village. A person who wants to start his/her journey and become the best Pokemon Trainer that they can be. Catching new Pokemon and battling trainer. Also, getting Gym Badges and defeating the Elite Four. The person is you of course. You are the one that are defeating Team Volt and discovery mysteries. Most important is that... You are the hero.


  • Gen 4-7 Pokemon
  • Gen 4-6 Moves and Abilities
  • Mega Evolution
  • Capture EXP system
  • Reusable TMs
  • Poison Survival
  • Decapitalisation
  • Updated Sprites
  • Fairy Type
  • New Tiles


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